- Intercontinental Wrestling Federation http://www.iwf.pun.pl/index.php - Karty http://www.iwf.pun.pl/viewforum.php?id=16 - TAW Road to Glory 18/01/2011 http://www.iwf.pun.pl/viewtopic.php?id=227
Edge - 2011-01-12 18:09:02
8 Man Timed Battle Royal Match for IC Championship
Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton vs The Miz vs Christian vs Delirious vs Kurt Angle vs Bret Hart vs Brock Lesnar
4 Way Elimination Match for Diva's Championship
Lita vs Ashley Massaro vs Maria vs Melina
Hardcore Match
John Cena vs Sheamus
ME: "I quit" Match for IWF Heavyweight Championship